4.5 million smarter homes & counting with the
help of QuantWifi Partner Network

QuantWifi Partner Network (QPN) is a global community of diversified hardware vendors and solutions providers working to leverage your business success.

Why QuantWiFi Partners Network

Your technology partner helps you to improve a sustainable and flawless customer experience.

Simple deployment
  • Turnkey solution for service providers
  • Deployment ready in under 2 weeks
  • On-premises for strict security, or hosted on cloud
  • Reliable and scalable infrastructure
Proven software
  • GDPR ready
  • Fully managed using web-based dashboard
  • Extensible with backend APIs, adding extra connectivity
  • Continuous updates and open roadmap items
Fully supported
  • Strict service level agreeements
  • Help available 24/7
  • Training for the partner and the end customer
  • Dedicated customer success manager

Types of partnerships

They collaborate with QuantWifi to help build QuantWifi enabled modem devices.

Distributors work closely with QuantWifi to build a successful sales network to provide software and services to operators.

They work with QuantWiFi

Get in touch

To start a partnership with QuantWifi, contact the sales team by filling out the form.